Adopt A Rabbit

Rabbits love company of their own kind. If you are thinking of getting a companion for your existing rabbit, then we can support you through the bonding process.

All our rabbits are neutered / spayed which, along with many other benefits, really helps when pairing rabbits.

We do not complete the adoption until you have a happy pair of bunnies. In this way, if it isn't working out we will take back the bunnies and you can always try with another if you wish. 

We do not rehome rabbits to live on their own. 

Do you have the perfect home for me to race about in?

Pablo is quite the character! Pablo came to us as a stray rabbit, he had an infected fracture in his foot but this has now fully healed. We would prefer for Pablo to go to an indoor home, possibly with some outdoor time, so that his foot doesn't get caught on anything too rough or ramps etc. He loves to race around and explore and is just a funny little rabbit. Pablo is a Netherland dwarf. He is now ready for his new home. We suspect he is 3 years plus. 


Here is a little video of Pablo:

PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE THE CONTACT FORM ON THIS PAGE AS IT IS NOT WORKING. Our direct email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


If you are interested in adoption please complete the adoption application on the link below and the rabbit team will contact you within a week.




Contact Us to Adopt a Rabbit

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Rabbit(s) Interested In: