Lupin is a special young boy looking for a special home.
Lupin has a grade 2 heart murmer. He doesn't need any medication for this but any potential adopter would need to keep an eye on this and be prepared to give him medication if needed in the future. He is very interested in going out. Ideally we would like him to have a secure garden or catio where he could be kept safe. He could potentially live with one other cat with the right personality for him. He gets on with some cats at the shelter but does not like others. He is a friendly, playful young boy looking for the right person to give him a safe loving home.
If you are interested in adopting Lupin please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be sent a questionnaire. Alternatively you can be sent a questionnaire by messaging your email address via Facebook messenger.