Cat Volunteers Needed
- Details
- Published: Sunday, 13 August 2023 16:23

We have rescued many thousands of cats since Pawz for Thought was formed.
Stay up to date with all our latest news and fundraising activities. Keep track of your favourite animals, see how we work with national charities and read about all the amazing fund raising activities our volunteers do...
We have rescued many thousands of cats since Pawz for Thought was formed.
At a time when everyone is seeing the cost of living rise we are also seeing the numbers of domestic animals coming through our doors rising uncontrollably.
Read more: October 2022- Unprecedented numbers of domestic animals looking for homes...
On Thursday 24th Feb 2022 Pawz was livened up by a visit from Chloe ferry and her mum Elizabeth
Why we think you should keep it chocolate this Easter...
Read more: Steady rise in surrender of small animals (February 2021)
Throughout the year there are various things that we need in order to support all the animals that we do, please follow the link to find out how you can help us.
Come and see us this weekend at Lush and help us to raise as much money as we can.
We are absolutely inundated with hedgehogs at the moment and really need your help...
Today we were called out to rescue 6 baby rabbits who had sadly found themselves completely helpless.
A big thanks to our friends at My Family Vets for allowing to us to join them at their Rabbit Awareness Event this week.
Why not come and join us at North East Veterinary Referrals, Cramlington for their Rabbit Welfare event on 21st June at 7.30pm?
Today we invaded our vets with rabbits and we've been very well looked after.
This year's rabbit awareness week is all focussed on the need for good quality, fresh hay as the main part of your rabbit's diet.
Adopting a cat or dog from Pawz? We have vouchers from Strachans Veterinary Group which offer £15 off your first consultation (excluding vaccines) and 3 for 2 on all Mipet flea and wormer treatment.
Wow what a GREAT result!
Emmet the staffy cross, one of our elderly Pawz dogs, was invited by B&M stores to attend the opening of their new store at Pallion retail park in Sunderland. He was there at the front when the Mayor cut the tape and officially opened the store this morning.
We have an amazing £1822 in the Local Community Fund so far, and Co-op members are adding to our total every time they buy selected Co-op brand products from local stores and funeral homes.
The Brave mad fearless ladies that make up our team at the boxing day dip once again braved the the sea on a day when the wind chill factor felt really cold and that was from someone who was wrapped up and not wet. Hats off to you ladies your are the best
Carrie is an amazing person not only does she give us half a day a week to work in our shop she also volunteers for other groups as well. 35 years after a normal retirement date Carrie carry's on giving her time with a happy smile. Well done Carrie we appreciate your help. Have a great day
We meet some fab people through helping at Pawz, but every now and again, we get SUPER FAB people coming along. We got an enquiry recently which said those magic words - 'willing to consider any temperament and any cat who is proving difficult to rehome, whether due to age, health or temperament'. Our most difficult to re-home cat got into his cat basket last Monday and is hopefully now sitting watching TV.
Our cat co-ordinator Karen is a mad cat lady even when she is on holiday!!! As the regular followers of our Facebook page will have seen recently, she was collecting donations through Just Giving to help feed the street cats in Rhodes. Having been a very frequent visitor to Greece over the last 23 years, last year she was amazed by the work of the Greek Cat Welfare Society (Rhodes) because they are neutering street cats and the difference they are making to cat welfare on the island is huge. They also have winter feeding programmes. Karen decided to raise some funds to help and raised 650 to spend on food and much needed medical supplies.
Read more: Our cat co-ordinator helping the cats in Rhodes, Greece
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated to our emergency rabbit appeal via Just Giving.
We have just heard the great news today that we have four co-operative food stores and three funeral homes that will be supporting our cause. If you shop at any of these four stores and you have co=op membership you may like to nominate us to receive the 1 per cent of your shop that goes to the Co-operative Local Community Fund.
We are looking for a couple of fosterers to join our rabbit team. It is a very rewarding thing to do and is perfect if you would like to help out from the comfort of your own home.
We would like to say a huge thank you to My Family Vets for inviting us to take part in their Rabbit Awareness Event on the 22nd June 2016.
Read more: Rabbit Awareness Event at My Family Vets, Cramlington
Barnes Junior School in Sunderland have been very busy fundraising for Pawz for Thought.They presented us with a very welcome cheque of £120 and filled one of our food bins!
Huge thanks to Mark Baker, the owner of Ferry farm Boarding Kennels he ran in the Sunderland half marathon recently.
they had a fab time! Although we could not get photographs inside Buckingham palace here is a few of the ones taken over the two days.
Read more: Buckingham Palace Garden Party 19th May 2016 pictures
This years Rabbit Awareness Week is promoting #bunniesforbuddies which is something we highly stand by as a charity. We would love you to help us promote this important week by sharing your pictures of your loved up rabbits.
How Fab do they look our two ladies have had a fantastic time cannot wait to hear about the day in full when they return home.
Two of our ladies that have worked in our charity shop for over a decade are off to Buckingham Palace Garden Party. The hats are ready and the excitment is mounting.
TIGGY and SOCKS have gone to a new home at last.
Today we embarked on our biggest ever single rabbit rescue. 24 rabbits have arrived in our care with 12 arriving next weekend also. We have a huge amount of support from other charities to enable us to do this.
Do you love Dogs? are you at home most of the time perhaps newly retired or have that nice option of working from home do you want the freedom of not owning a dog because you travel from time to time or have family commitments that mean you cannot own a dog. but would like one? if so fostering may be a fantastic solution for you.
Deadline for getting dogs microchipped coming up fast but just a gentle reminder it is law for a dog to wear a collar and tag and a collar and tag gets a dog home far faster than a microchip.
The gorgeous Alice and Stanley arrived with us as two single rabbits three years ago, they found love with one another and quickly bonded, making a beautiful couple. However, due to a small and manageable issue that Stanley has, they have been persstently overlooked.
Read more: Alice and Stanley find new home after 3 years at Pawz
Pawz needs fosterers who can take a dog into their own home and care for it, rather than it going into kennels, which many of them find very stressful.
We also need reliable volunteer dog walkers, to join our team who help exercise the dogs we have in boarding kennels in Sunderland.
Almost at our goal of rehoming 80 rats we have two delightful girls still waiting for thier forever home. Three months ago we had a call from a lady who had bought one rat from a pet shop to keep her single rat comapany as she had a pair but one had died. Unfortunately the pet shop gave her the wrong sex she had specifiied a male and had been given a female, a short while later there was a litter and another she rang us and we took 23 rats from her.
Late 2015 we were contacted one night by a desperate lady who didn't know what to do with her orphaned baby rabbits. Our fantastic hand rearer stepped in and accepted them into her home late at night. Despite it being a bit touch and go these wonderful babies battled and pulled through.
A year ago we were asked to rehome two elderly girls Sally and Tara. Amazing people adopted them and we have received updates from time to time. At Christmas I received in the post a gorgeous calendar of pictures of the girls in various aspects of their new life. “Now then" I was supposed to pass this calendar on to Sam who fostered the girls while we looked for their new home.
On a wet windy day when most people would not want to venture out our six fearless fundraisers braved the elements and dressed up as black cats then plunged into the north sea. Now most people who do the dip do just that run in dip and run out again,
We have been preparing for this coming weekend for some time now. We are having a teddy tombola at Sainsburys fulwell on Friday 11th Thursday12th and Sunday 13th. On sunday the 13th We are also Having a teddy bear tombola and a till collection at ASDA Benton. If you are in the vincinity of either of These stores please come and see us and buy a ticket and help us rehome all of these gorgeous teddy bears.
Strachan and Tyson Vets in Heaton are having a christmas raffle there is a dog prize and a cat prize to be won. Christmas is a great time for fundraising and we really appreciate the help. Hope you sell lots of tickets.
Kings road have had a calendar printed each year to raise funds for Animal Krackers and Pawz for Thought they raise quite a lot of funds through doing this.
Read more: Kings Road vets charity calendars are out for sale 7.12.2015
Just as we were feeling pretty smug about how well the” rehoming” of the baby rats we had was going, we received a call last weekend from a man who’s dad had found a small wicker picnic basket in the back lane outside his home.
Read more: Just as we thought there was light at the end of the tunnel! nov 20.11.15
The digger arrived and started work on turning a piece of sloping land into a useable and what will be an extremley useful area. Giving us storage space and pens that will make our work so much easier.
Katie who works at Virgin Money Newcastle is cooking cup cakes and selling them at work to raise funds for us. she already has one of these cake days under her belt and the next day is scheduled for 9th Nov. Brilliant Katie hope you sell lots we love cup cakes. UPDATE 26TH 12.2015 katie raised £100.00 selling her cakes fantastic well done
We have taken in a clutch of rats from a lady whos son had bought a male rat to keep his other male rat company. a few months later 32 Rats plus three very probably pregnant females.
There maybe a shortage of rabbit vaccinations but this article just goes to show what a dedicated rabbit team we have! Unable to get single rabbit vaccines due to a temporary worldwide shortage, suppliers will only issue them in batches of 10. So early one Saturday morning, three valuable volunteers set out on a mission to collect 10 rabbits from various foster homes around the North East to get them to the vet to ensure they could be protected against the deadly VHD and Myxi diseases! Most of these bunnies once vet checked were then taken to their new homes and will hopefully get their happy ever after!
We would like to send grateful thanks and best wishes to everyone who is doing the great north run tommorrow. Rachel and Laurance Arnott hope you enjoy it and Mark Meinham your just fab. You have ran for us for many years now. Your all great Hero's and Heroines no matter who what cause you are running for hope you all have a great day. Love from everyone at Pawz for Thought
Read more: we would like to thank everyone who is doing the Great North Run 12.9.15
Eloise's Mini Great North Run. Eloise is Six years old she is running this Saturday in the 1.5k mini great north run to raise funds for us.
4 of the 6 bunnies that were thrown from a moving car have been rehomed in a matter of days!
It comes around fast every year but we are ready and raring to go. A year of saving teddies washing them and getting them all wrapped and ribboned to go off to thier new homes with the people that win them on our Teddy Tombola. We love doing the event at the air show we have been there for so many years now. If you are going to the airshow please come and visit our stall there is often not much time to chat as we are intent on one thing and that is getting all of those teddies rehomed. However we love to see you all and hoping the weather is kind to us. You will find us in the area opposite Gabrielle's and the Salt House Kitchen just along from The Seaburn Hotel
Colin and his team are running the Morrisons Great North 10k tommorrow Sunday the 5th July.
On Saturday we were at Churchill playing fields annual fun dog show. It was lovely meeting people who great to see some of our dogs.
Its the annual Churchill Park fun Dog Show on Sat 27th from 11am to 3pm.
Read more: We will be at Churchill Park Whitley Bay 27th June
We had a fabulous Sunday at Kirkley Hall's Spring Fair.
Baby Ducklings rescued by police!
We took this gorgeous boy in last week when his 'owner' passed away. He was microchipped and when we looked it up, we found out that the microchip was registered to someone else. We got in touch, to find out that the cat has been missing for 4 years!
Edwina our expectant mother who looked as if she was going to give birth when she arrived two weeks ago.
Yet another heavily pregnant stray cat! She has been living in a garden since Christmas. Why don't people get their pets neutered? It causes chaos! Rescues are heaving with unwanted animals. Too many cats are turning up pregnant or giving birth in gardens, yards or sheds. Look at Florence and Betty taken in on the same day.
We received a phone call from a lady in South Denton saying there was a white rat in her garden. We left a humane rat trap set. A couple of days later she rang to say there was rat in the trap but not the right rat. This one was a brown! We collected the trap with the rat. When the rat arrived he was the most adorable tame rat with slightly curled whiskers.
Two seal pups have been released on the Northumberland Coast. Both pups were rescued by the RSPCA in early January. One was approximately 3 weeks old and the second was no more than 12 days. Working with Blue Reef Aquarium Tynemouth, our volunteers have nursed the animals back to health.
Lonely guinea pig has his happy ever after! Poor Spot was such a lonely boy when he came to us. He was separated from his parents and siblings at 3 weeks old and left in a cage alone for the rest of his days until we was brought to us. He never made a sound when he came to us, no sqeek, no chatter, no purring until.... Flapjack came along.
From the moment Spot saw Flapjack he was popcorning with excitement, running and purring and within minutes of meeting Flapjack was grooming him.
Pawz have recently taken in 23 rabbits from one household after their owner admitted she needed help. It was all down to a rabbit that she thought was a female being introduced into her original group which in fact turned out to be male. 3 pregnant females resulted in lots of bunnies!
Thankfully these rabbits are in the process of being neutered, vaccinated and microchipped and are getting some TLC from our amazing fosterers.